Wireless Trailer ID

Wireless Trailer ID

The same wireless temperature & humidity sensor used for the trailer identification helps to avoid lengthy installations of the wired solution. It enables the user to know exactly which trailer is attached. The algorithm automatically detects the most probable beacon to be used as a trailer ID.


  • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
  • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
  • Trace5
Trailer identification Bluetooth Temperature and humidity sensor 300x200 1 1

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    Wireless Temperature & Humidity Sensor​

    Wireless Temperature & Humidity Sensor

    This Temperature & Humidity Sensor is a high-accuracy wireless cargo condition monitoring sensor for vans and heavy-duty vehicles with a trailer. This sensor tracks the temperature and humidity in real-time, collects the data, and sends it to a tracking device.


    • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
    • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
    • Trace5
    Trailer identification Bluetooth Temperature and humidity sensor 300x200 1

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      Wireless Fuel Level Sensor

      Wireless Fuel Level Sensor

      Wireless battery-powered fuel level sensor​ ​with a 5 to 10 years of battery time guarantees accurate and reliable fuel level monitoring and no messing with wires.

      • *5th Gen Trace5
      • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
      Wireless FLS 300x249 1

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        Wireless Driver Identification

        Wireless Driver Identification

        Wireless Driver Identification eliminates the need to perform lengthy and complex installation of wired solutions. It enables the user to know exactly who is driving and perform engine blocking for unauthorised access when necessary.


        • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
        • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
        Wireless Driver ID 257x300 1

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          Wireless BLE DIN

          Wireless BLE DIN

          Battery-operated wireless digital input (DIN), which allows to monitor various remote accessories, door sensors, connect the button avoiding any wiring​.
          Wireless BLE DIN 290x300 1

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            Snapshot Camera

            Snapshot Camera

            Snapshot Cameras will allow you to get snapshots of what was happening at a particular time or event with the vehicle and driver. Indoor or outdoor cameras can automatically take snapshots on set events, such as harsh braking or accelerating, GSM jamming, vehicle towing, and others. Snapshot cameras help to ensure vehicle security and provide essential evidence in case of an accident.


            • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
            • FM-Tco4 HCV
            • FM-Tco4 LCV
            • FM-Pro4
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              OBDII Splitter Harness

              OBDII Splitter Harness

              OBD II Splitter Harness is used to install LCV5, HCV5, HCV5-Lite, Pro5-Lite trackers to light commercial vehicles. The harness prevents tampering and accidental disconnection due to concealed installation. The harness replaces the original OBD socket with special adapters.


              • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
              • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
              OMBII Splitter Harness 253x300 1

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                Fatigue Sensor

                Fatigue Sensor

                About the Accessory

                The fatigue sensor is a safe driving system designed for commercial fleets that can connect to Ruptela‘s devices via RS232 interface. The device alarms the driver upon detection of fatigue or distraction. It also provides on-demand image output to the fleet management system when either of the alarms is triggered. These images serve as the evidence to check the driver‘s real state and other data, it helps the management centers further improve driver safety and performance.


                • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
                • Pro4
                Fatigue sensor 1 267x300 1

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                  1-Wire RFID Reader

                  1-Wire RFID Reader

                  About the Accessory

                  The 1-Wire RFID reader is a small card-reader for UNIQUE standard 125 kHz frequency cards that enables the identification of the driver. The RFID reader show who is using the vehicle, at what time, and who is in charge of it. In case any discrepancies arise during the identification process, it is possible to block the vehicle’s engine and notify the driver by an audio signal and send the warning to the monitoring and control system.
                  • Safety and Security
                  • Access control
                  • Local regulations
                  Key Features
                  • Driver and passenger identification
                  • Vehicle immobilization
                  • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
                  • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
                  • Pro4
                  • Eco4
                  • Trace5
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                    FMS harness

                    FMS harness

                    Install GPS trackers faster and easier with FMS harness. FMS harness is used to install HCV5, Pro5, LCV5, HCV5-Lite, Pro5-Lite trackers to trucks. CANbus and tachograph data is available using FMS harness.

                    – Faster and easier installation
                    – Professional installation
                    – Minimize risk of faulty installations


                    • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
                    • HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
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