The fuel level sensor is fully developed and manufactured by Ruptela for universal fuel management – monitoring fuel level, controlling fuel consumption and preventing fuel theft. It is available in standard and advanced versions, and the same sensor probe can be used with different heads – ECO and PRO.
The Company card reader is used for remotely reading tachograph and driver card data, and for its transmission to TrustTrack. The data is obtained in the officially adopted .ddd format. The reader is connected to the computer via a USB device.
This accessory can be used when more than one person uses a vehicle or when one person uses several vehicles. It shows who used the vehicle, when, and who was in charge of it. It is possible to block the vehicle‘s engine and notify the driver by audio signal if the identification is not completed successfully.
The Eco-Drive panel is a device developed and manufactured by Ruptela for monitoring and education of the drivers in the real-time. The panel informs the driver when his/her driving actions are causing fuel wastage and accelerating vehicle depreciation. Driving information is also sent to the real-time monitoring and control system, which analyses driver behaviour and provides data for the driver performance evaluation.
OBDII harness is used to install LCV5, HCV5, HCV5-Lite, Pro5-Lite trackers to light commercial vehicles. CANbus data reading is available using the OBDII harness. Connection via OBDII can be used also as a power source.
Ruptela’s temperature sensors are designed for measuring the temperature of the cargo and the refrigerators. The sensors operate with an accuracy of ±0.5°C in the temperature range from -40°C to +120°C ±0.5°C. The sensor housing is IP67 certified, ensuring its durability despite various harsh working environments.
The handheld transceiver is designed for maintaining voice communication between the driver and the manager. The device does not require an additional SIM card and is simply plugged into the GPS device.
EasyCAN is used for fast and safe connection to a vehicle’s on-board computer (CANbus). EasyCAN connects a GPS tracking device to the vehicle’s onboard computer, without cutting any wires and without violating the manufacturer’s warranty. EasyCAN can read data from FMS and J1708 CANbus.
The engine relay is a device designed for blocking the engine of a vehicle. It offers protection against unauthorised use of the vehicle. Remote activation of the relay is possible through a monitoring and control system or by SMS.